(859) 881-8806

School Calendar 2022-2023

August 25

Ice Cream Social
6:30-8 p.m.

August 30-September 2

Orientation Week
(new students only)
10 a.m.-noon

September 6

School Begins
9 a.m.-noon (for all students)

September 27

Picture Day

October 3-7

No School
Fall Break

November 23-25

Thanksgiving Holiday

December 19-January 2

Winter Break

January 3

Classes Resume

January 16

No School
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

February 20

No School
President’s Day

April 3-7

Spring Break

May 25

Last Day of School
End-of-Year Potluck Supper

6-7:30 p.m.

May 26

Pool Party!
10 a.m.-noon

We will follow the schedule of the Fayette County Public School (FCPS) for holidays and other closings, except our starting and ending dates may differ. We will also be in school on election days. We will follow FCPS when closing for bad weather, although if FCPS calls for a one or two-hour delay, we will open as usual at 9 a.m.